Yellow is a fun and cheerful colour! How do we style this?
Firstly, let's consider the shade of yellow we're working with—is it a bright, sunny yellow or a softer, pastel hue?
I'm wearing here our Marielle Dress from our 2020 Vintage Collection, designed to be a dress for work. It is a strong, chrome yellow.
To balance it, I paired it with a white bag. You can see this tones down the vibrancy of yellow while still allowing it to pop.
In addition, mixing yellow with brown tones, like a straw hat and bag, can create a natural, resort feel. This immediately makes it more casual:
For the bold, we can experiment with blue, burgundy, or even purple. These bring a refreshing contrast with yellow and add a twist to your ensemble:
Yellow can also be added through staples like blouses, skirts, or dresses. A yellow chiffon blouse paired with indigo jeans or a yellow skirt with a crisp white vest top can create a chic and effortless look.
For a playful look, we can experiment with bubblegum tones like pink and turquoise:
For the shy ones, we can employ yellow accessories and accents. This can be in a muted shade to reduce the head-on impact:
Lastly, when accessorizing yellow outfits, consider gold or rose gold for a touch of sophistication.
Want to know what colours work best for you? Book our Skin Colour Analysis:
Want to know how to style yourself for various occasions? Book our Image Styling:
Want to have a made-to-measure bespoke dress? Book our Bespoke Dressmaking or request for a quote:
Yellow can be a versatile colour when we know what to wear it with. Please feel free to approach me; I'm here to help!