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His Grace

It has been one of my desires to create bridal dresses that are modest and yet flattering to the ladies wearing them. And today, the opportunity landed on my lap.

A couple came by our booth at the Christmas pop-up and they are getting married this August. Yes, August 2020 :) They have arranged to have a meet-up with me on 31 Jan 2020 and I had no idea what they wanted to talk about. And just now, I received a text that they would like to have bridesmaid dresses done and one would be in Singapore on Monday, which is in two days' time.

Imagine my joy when I heard this! That on this day of the new lunar year, I would receive an order like this despite resting in bed the whole day due to a headache! It is amazing to say the least.

And because Grateful Dress is a TAFF member, we received an email recently about their wanting to share Chinese New Year capsule collections if we have any. Thus, I emailed them after our video was put up on Facebook, and I got two enquires very quickly after they posted our pictures on Instagram.

To me, these are all very tangible evidence of His grace upon the social enterprise. You cannot imagine how thankful I feel right now. It's like the sun shining through the clouds and it lifts my soul so, so much!

Pray along with me that the dresses might be honouring to God and be beautifully made for these ladies. And that more beneficiaries will get the sewing kits from the sale of these dresses too!

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