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His Faithfulness

Just as the sun rises every morning without fail, God's faithfulness stands regardless of who we are or what we do.

Two months ago, I had the opportunity to have a pop-up at Orchard Green, the lovely little park right above Design Orchard. People asked me if I paid for it, and the answer was no. Earlier in the year, I had gone through a series of workshops on entrepreneurship organised by Millet World, and they had graciously extended a six-month complimentary membership to those of us in the UpStart program. This membership included access to pop-up space offered by them.

I was so grateful to find out about this, as it had dawned on me that renting booths at various locations isn't really cheap. To me, this speaks of God's amazing provision.

A pleasant surprise was the response I got. In my first pop-up at Gardens by the Bay, I realised it was really hard for tourists to make customised apparel. Either they are flying off soon and that makes fitting impossible, or they are not comfortable with receiving the item by the latter being shipped to them. Hence, since I was going to be at Orchard, I thought bags would be a more optimal choice for them.

Prior to that event, I had already started making matching bags from the leftover fabric of dresses. Firstly, that would save the environment. Secondly, it would make styling so much easier and we can save time by not needing to look for suitable accessories. To my surprise, it wasn't tourists that bought the bags; it was friends who wanted to buy the bags as gifts for their friends. Or, it was something they want for themselves.

Furthermore, there was a particular dress that was the only polka-dot dress in my selection that event and I wasn't too sure if I should bring it along. Lo and behold, a friend who came to support me didn't fancy floral patterns but liked the polka-dots instead. Thus, she requested for a customised piece in navy blue with white polka-dots and in a size that fits her phone model.

Sometimes God astonishes us with how things turn out, despite or in spite of our own best wisdom. We really need to surrender and trust Him in and for the process.

Right now, I am at my third pop-up at Christmas at the Fort. I feel really honoured to have the privilege to be at such a big event where even Joanna Dong would be present (on Sunday, 22 Dec, 6pm concert). And, remember the first official customer I mentioned in my previous blog? She came to support me, bought me dinner and ... showed me a photo of her in the dress. I asked her if she was happy, and she said yes. That was the highlight of this pop-up to me so far.

Thanking God for the journey thus far. Thanking God for the encouragement that comes my way. Thanking God for being in control of even the smallest things. Indeed, no sparrow falls to the ground without His knowledge. Are we not worth more than sparrows?

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